Saint Thomas More Society’s Annual Communion Breakfast brings together our members and families in fellowship to reflect on the Advent Season. After gathering for Mass celebrated by Father Paul Clark, Society members share a fresh-cooked breakfast before listening to Deacon Mike Derois’s presentation. To learn more about Deacon Derois visit
The cost is $18.00 for adults and $10.00 for those 12 and under. Reservations are requested no later than Wednesday, November 27.
Save the Date! December 1, 2024, at 10:15 a.m.
Location: Saint Matthew Church, Stoney Creek, PA

Past Speakers
Father Paul Clark, Pastor of Saint Matthew Church and Judicial Vicar of the Diocesan Tribunal, presented on Our Lady of Guadalupe at the Saint Thomas More Society’s 2023 advent communion breakfast. Father Clark shared the rich symbolism in the image of Our Lady and Our Lady’s profound impact on the Americas.
Barbara Bettwy, JCL, Chancellor of the Diocese of Harrisburg, presented on the “Christmas Story: Matthew vs. Luke” at the Saint Thomas More Society’s 2022 advent communion breakfast. Chancellor Bettwy illuminated the religious truths within the Infancy Narratives by comparing the Evangelists’ literary techniques, audiences, and theological interests.
Judge William T. Tully of the Dauphin County Court of Common Pleas presented on “The Decline of Humility and the Death of Wisdom” at the Saint Thomas More Society’s 2021 advent communion breakfast.
Deacon Bryan Salzmann of Salzmann Hughes Law Firm gave a witness at the Saint Thomas More Society’s 2019 advent communion breakfast. Then in formation, Deacon spoke about his experience of discerning the diaconate and how his legal background affected diaconate formation.
Deacon Samuel Miller of St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, presented at the Society’s 2018 advent communion breakfast.
Sister Kass Collins, SFCC, of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Edgewater, Maryland, presented a talk on “Advent” at the Society’s 2017 advent communion breakfast.